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Safestore Self Storage in Alperton

Safestore Self Storage near Alperton

Located in North West London, Alperton is within the Borough of Brent, about 8 miles from Charing Cross. It is an area with large populations of different ethnic groups and it is close to Wembley, Ealing and Park Royal.

If you’re in Alperton looking for extra storage space, you’ve come to the right place. Safestore is the UK’s No.1 choice for storage and with over 40 stores located in London, it will be no problem trying to find one near you. Safestore Acton is a great choice for convenient and facile storage, less than 3 miles away. With 8 stores within 5 miles of Alperton, why store with anyone else?

Our services don’t stop at storage units. We have services that are designed to make your storing experience as easy as possible. We have packing materials on sale, transport options, the free use of pallet trucks and trolleys and we even offer a forklift service at some stores for heavy duty storing.

Talk to the team today to find out how we can make storing easy for you.


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