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Safestore Self Storage in Brent Cross

Safestore Self Storage near Brent Cross

Brent Cross is located in North West London within the Borough of Barnet. It is best known for its grand shopping centre which attracts people from all over London; the car park was a filming location for ‘Tomorrow Never Dies’, a James Bond movie released in 1997.

If you’re in Brent Cross and are in need of extra storage space, look no further than Safestore! Whether you need storage for all your belongings while you renovate your home or you need somewhere for your surplus stock, you’re sure to find exactly what you’re looking for with Safestore.

The nearest centre to Brent Cross is Safestore Staples Corner, a short five minute drive away. There are more than 10 stores within 5 miles of Brent Cross, so why not store with us today?

Here at Safestore we are very flexible and offer storage solutions tailored to your needs. With a variety of room sizes, ranging from small lockers to large units alongside short and long term storage, you’re sure to find the perfect storage solution with us.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with our friendly, helpful team. Use our quick price calculator or give us a call for a quote today.


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