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Safestore Self Storage in Cambridge

Safestore Self Storage in Cambridge

Home of one of the UK’s oldest and most famous universities, Cambridge is an historical city within Cambridgeshire, East England. The University of Cambridge was founded in the early 13th century and remains one of the highest achieving academic centres in the world.

With over 100 centres across the country, there’s bound to be Safestore storage facilities at a location near you. Safestore Stevenage is a great choice for convenient storage near Cambridge. 

Safestore strive to make storing your valuable belongings simple and easy. We can offer convenient storage solutions for students, businesses and for home owners, and all at a price you’ll love.

If you have any queries about any of the services that we provide, or you’d like a quote, then get in contact with our friendly team. Safestore is always happy to help!


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