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Safestore Self Storage in Chadderton

Safestore Self Storage near Chadderton

Located within Oldham, Greater Manchester, Chadderton is a town which lies on the River Irk. Chadderton is approximately 6 miles away from Manchester city and is neighbours with Failsworth, Middleton and Royton. Places of interest in or nearby include Chadderton Town Hall, Tandle Hill and Gallery Oldham.

If you’re in Chadderton looking for extra storage space, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Safestore, we know that everyone has different storage needs, which is why we offer a variety of different solutions that we can tailor to you.

Safestore Oldham is only over a mile away from Chadderton, with our Manchester Central store also nearby.

Available short and long term, our rooms are yours for however long you need them. All our centres have state of the art security systems to protect your room. With 24 hour recorded CCTV and  intruder alarms, you can rest assured that your things are safe from damage and theft.

We have a team of friendly advisers that can help you with everything from the room size you might need, to a quote for your storage requirements. There isn’t anything that our team can’t advise you on.

Give us a call and get a quote from our team today. 


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