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Safestore Self Storage in Harpenden

Safestore Self Storage near Harpenden

The commuter town of Harpenden in Hertfordshire has a direct rail connection through Central London. It’s a prosperous town with property prices well over double the national average and is close to the villages of Redbourn (to the west) and Wheathampstead (to the east).

If you’re looking for a storage solution in Harpenden, then you’ve come to the right place. We know that it’s important to have convenient storage at a location near you. That’s why we have over 100 centres across the country, all located in easy to find spots. So if you need a storage solution, then Safestore is perfect for you. 

The nearest Safestore centres are at Stevenage, Luton – Dunstable and Borehamwood. Whether you need storage for your growing business or for your growing family, all our centres offer both business and household storage so you’re sure to find what you need with us. Safestore’s flexible storage solutions mean that you’ll never have to pay for more than you need.

Get friendly, professional advice on everything from how to pack and what size room you might need, to an affordable quote. The Safestore team are always happy to help you.  


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