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Safestore Self Storage in Kings Road

Safestore Self Storage near Kings Road

Located in West London, Kings Road is a street which is almost 2 miles in length stretching through Fulham and Chelsea. It is home of the Saatchi Gallery which first opened in the 1980s and showcases contemporary art.

With 100 stores across the UK, there’s bound to be a store near you. The nearest store to the Kings Road is Safestore Battersea Lombard Road, less than a mile away and a great choice for convenient storage. There are 14 Safestore centres located within 5 miles of Kings Road, so why look anywhere else?

We offer safe and secure units so you know that your things are being kept safe from damage and theft. With 24 hour recorded CCTV and intruder alarms, your belongings are always well looked after. As the sole key holder to your room, you are the only person with unlimited access during opening hours.

So if you’re looking for storage in the Kings Road area, look no further than Safestore – you’ll never need to store anywhere else! Talk to the team today to see how we can help you.


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