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Safestore Self Storage in Lichfield

Self Storage Units near Lichfield

Lichfield, being the birthplace of Samuel Johnson who wrote the first English Language Dictionary, is an historic city in Staffordshire. The Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum can be visited, which showcases his life through the years in the comfort of his own home.

Lichfield is the home of the National Memorial Arboretum, which is a woodland landscape dedicated to armed forces who have served for us over the past 300 years. Lichfield Cathedral is also a top attraction and was built circa 1200s; it remains the only mediaeval Cathedral in England with three spires.

Looking for self storage in and around Lichfield? Then look no further, as Safestore Birmingham Central is a great choice for convenient storage for all your personal and business needs. 

Whether you’re looking for household, business or student storage, Safestore has the ideal solution for you. Get in contact for your quote today.


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