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Safestore Self Storage in Dalston

Safestore Self Storage near Dalston

Dalston belongs to the London Borough of Hackney and sits just 4 miles outside of London's city centre.  It has long been a melting pot of multi-ethnic cultures and is currently undergoing rapid gentrification due to the rejuvenation of East London.  Over the years Ridley Road has been at the forefront of Dalston's ethnic communities where Caribbean, Polish and Vietnamese food can be found in abundance.  The London 2012 Olympic Games also contributed to Dalston's recent growth and it is now an area growing in affluence as well as culture.

Our nearest stores are Stoke Newington, Pentonville Road and Holloway Road, all under 3 miles away from Dalston.  For students who need storage between semesters, families moving home or businesses in need of more space to store stock, Safestore have a range of storage options available in the Dalston area.

Simply click on the store listing above to find out more information.


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