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Safestore Self Storage in Old Kent Road

Safestore Self Storage near Old Kent Road

Old Kent Road is a major through-route that passes through the London Borough of Southwark.  It forms a part of the A2, a road from London to Dover, and is one of the oldest roads in England (dating back to around 1200 BC) - it is also the first property square on the Monopoly board!  Home to major highstreet chains such as Asda, B&Q and PC World, Old Kent Road is a busy location with lots going on.

Our nearest stores are New Cross, Bermondsey and Deptford, all under 2 miles away from Old Kent Road.  Those living in Camberwell, Peckham, Southwark and Dulwich will find any of these local self storage locations easy to get to and even easier to use.

Simply use the list above to find your nearest centre.


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