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Safestore Self Storage in Stratford

Self Storage in Stratford at Safestore

Stratford is in the London Borough of Newham, just 6 miles from central London.  Some years ago Stratford suffered sever economic decline until the Queen Elizabeth II Olympic park was built for the London 2012 Olympics. Since then, the area has become East London's primary retail location and is the second most significant business district (after Canary Wharf).

Our nearest stores are Stoke Newington, Chingford and Walthamstow and Charlton, all no further than 4.5 miles away.  Those living in Ilford, Barking, Walthamstow and Woodberry Down will find our East London storage locations easy to get to and simple to use.

Simply click on the store listing above to find out more information.


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