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Safestore Self Storage in Streatham

Safestore Self Storage near Streatham

Streatham is located within the borough of Lewisham, South London. It is home of Naomi Campbell, English actress and supermodel. In the 1950s, Streatham was known to be the busiest and most popular shopping site in South London, with the first supermarket in the UK opening there, followed by the first Waitrose supermarket.

If you’re looking for self storage facilities in the Streatham area, then you’ve come to the right place. With Safestore MitchamClapham and Crystal Palace both under 3 miles away, you’ll never have to store anywhere else.

You can rest assured that your things are safe and sound when you leave them with Safestore. Protected by 24 hour recorded CCTV and intruder alarms, your belongings are kept safe from theft and damage.

So whether you need somewhere to store your furniture until you move into a bigger place, or you need to store your business’s archives, Safestore has the perfection solution for you. We have a friendly team of advisers ready and waiting to help you with any storage query.

Give us a call and get a quote today. 


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