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Safestore Self Storage in Surbiton

Safestore Self Storage near Surbiton

Surbiton, based in south west London, is 11 miles away from the city centre and belongs to the borough of Kingston Upon Thames.  Just a stone's throw from Tolworth, Thames Ditton, Long Ditton and Norbiton, Surbiton is steeped in history.  Art-Deco buildings and 19th century townhouses can be found in and around the town and the train station has featured in a number of TV series and films, including the 2009 film version of Harry Porrt and the Half-Blood Prince!

Our nearest storage facitliteis are in Twickenham, Merton (South Wimbledon) and Wimbledon, all no more than 5 miles away from Surbiton.  Those living in south west London will find any of these local self storage locations easy to get to and even easier to use.

So if you have any questions or would just like a quote, please don’t hesitate to get in contact. Talk to the team today to find out how we can make storing easy for you.


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