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Safestore Self Storage in Westminster

Safestore Self Storage near Westminster

Westminster is located in Central London within the City of Westminster. It is one of London’s major tourist areas, being the home of Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral. Both Green Park and St James’ Park are located in the City of Westminster and are part of the Royal Parks of London, lands originally owned by the monarchy of the UK.

Looking for self storage in and around Westminster? Then look no further, as Safestore Battersea Park is a great choice for convenient storage for all your personal and business needs, just under 2 miles away. With 8 stores within 3 miles of Westminster, you really are spoilt for choice.

At Safestore, our services include a team of helpful advisers ready to help you with any aspect of the storage process. They are able to offer you packing materials, transport options, free use of pallet trucks and trolleys and some stores even offer a forklift service for heavy duty storage!

So whether you’re looking for household, business or student storage, Safestore has the ideal solution for you. Get in contact with our friendly team for your quote today! 


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