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Safestore Self Storage in Nelson

Safestore Self Storage near Nelson

Situated in Lancashire, North West England, Nelson is a town only 4 miles away from Burnley. It is within the Borough of Pendle and a beautiful view of Pendle Hill can be seen from the town; Pendle Hill is famous for the Pendle witch trials in the 17th century. Pendle’s biggest park is located in Nelson, called Marsden Park, with many gardens, a pond and a pseudo-Roman spa bath.  

The closest store to Nelson is Safestore Burnley, located less than 5 miles away and a great choice for convenient storage, so why store anywhere else?

Here at Safestore, we’re committed to bringing you the storage you need at an affordable price.

Whether you need a place to store your sports equipment indefinitely or somewhere to store your furniture while you move house, you’ll find exactly what you need with Safestore.

Our team of friendly advisers are ready and waiting to discuss your requirements, give us a call for a quote today!


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