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Safestore Self Storage in Saltash

Safestore Self Storage near Saltash

Saltash is a town in Cornwall, which is located on the South Western tip of England. The Royal Albert Bridge is in Saltash, connecting it to Plymouth and Devon via the River Tamar and is used for railway transport.

More local attractions include the Cotehele House, St Mellion International Resort and the Tamar Bridge.

Our nearest Safestore centre is situated in Plymouth, around 5 miles away. We offer a range of different sized rooms so you can upsize or downsize your room if your needs change. Our clean, dry and secure storage rooms are available both long and short term, with storage starting from just a week.

Our team of friendly professional advisers can help you with any questions you may have, from packing your boxes to stacking your room.

So if you’re looking for storage, give us a call for a quote today. 


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