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Safestore Self Storage in St Albans

Safestore Self Storage near St Albans

St Albans in Hertforshire is steeped in history and evidence suggests that it has been in existence since roughly 20 BC.  It is a bustling market town covered in historical sites, only receiving city status in 1974.

Famed for its beautiful 12th century cathedral, old pubs and close transport links to London, St Albans has a vast array of residential areas and many listed buildings.

With over 100 centres across the country, there are multiple Safestore self storage facilities in the areas surrounding St. Albans including Borehamwood and Edgware. So whether you need household, business or student storage, look no further than Safestore!

We have a team of storage advisers ready to help you with any stage of your storing process. Use our quick price calculator or give us a call for a quote today. The Safestore team is always happy to help.


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