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Safestore Self Storage in St Neots

Safestore Self Storage near St Neots

St Neots is the largest town in Cambridgeshire and is immediately adjacent to Bedfordshire. High volume traffic problems have greatly improved since the completion of the St Neots bypass.

Whilst the road and rail links are of great benefit to the Town, it is undoubtedly the River Great Ouse which draws the majority of visitors to the town offering picturesque scenery, boating, fishing and pleasant walks across the park's many bridges.

If you’re looking for self storage facilities in the St Neots area, then you’ve come to the right place. With Safestore Bedford only 20 minutes away, you’ll never have to store anywhere else. You can rest assured that your things are safe and sound at Safestore as they are protected by 24 hour recorded CCTV and intruder alarms.

So whether you need somewhere to store your furniture until you move into a bigger place, or you need to store your business’s archives, Safestore has the perfect solution for you. Give us a call and get a quote today. 


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