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Safestore Self Storage in St Johns

Safestore Self Storage near St Johns

Located in South East London, St Johns is part of the London Borough of Lewisham. The area is named after St John’s church in Deptford.

With over 40 of our stores in the heart of London, there’s bound to be one near you. There are more than 5 Safestores located within 5 miles of St Johns with Safestore New Cross located the closest.

We know that finding the right storage can be difficult, which is why we offer a range of options. Our rooms vary from small lockers to large units, so you’re bound to find what you’re looking for. You can even change your room if your needs change. Rooms are available long and short term, with storage starting from a week.

Our team of friendly advisers are ready and waiting to discuss your requirements. Whether you need household, business or student storage, give us a call today for a quote.


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