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Safestore Self Storage in Bootle

Safestore Self Storage near Bootle

Bootle in Merseyside is situated near the Mersey docks and is bordered by the Leeds and Liverpool canal, the longest canal in England. The largely residential town has some impressive architecture with fine buildings such as the classic Victorian Town Hall and Municipal Baths.

If you’re in need of storage space in Bootle, then you’re in the right place. Here at Safestore we strive to provide you with storage solutions tailored to your needs. So whether you’re in need of a storage room, a business workshop or an office space, you’ll find what you’re looking for with us. 

The nearest centre is Safestore Self Storage Liverpool, about 10 minutes’ drive away and the store has dedicated business rooms, workshops and office spaces to let. 

At Safestore we have services specifically designed to make your self storage experience as simple and easy as possible. Give us a call today to find out how we can help you.


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