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Safestore Self Storage in Knowsley

Safestore Self Storage near Knowsley

Located in Merseyside, North West England, Knowley is a village within the Borough of Knowsley, also known as Knowsley Village. It is best known for Knowsley Safari Park which opened in 1971 and is a 5 mile safari drive, the longest in the UK.  

If you’re looking for extra storage space near Knowsley, you’ve come to the right place! Our Safestore centres in Liverpool, Warrington and Bolton North are all great choices for convenient storage for all your personal and business needs. 

Safestore offer a variety of storage unit sizes, available long or short term, so whether you need a small locker for a week or a large room for a year, you’re sure to find the perfect storage solution with us! What’s more is that if your storage needs change, we can easily change your package to accommodate your needs.

Whether you need student, business or household storage, Safestore can help! Get in touch with our friendly team for a quote today. 


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