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Safestore Self Storage in Chorley

Safestore Self Storage near Chorley

Chorley is a market town in Lancashire and historically, its industry was in cotton. In the 1970s, the skyline was mills up to the late twentieth century but most were demolished between the 1950s and 2000s with those remaining converted for modern business purposes.

With modern living, we know that finding the right storage space can be difficult, which is why we offer a range of options. At Safestore, we’re committed to bringing you the storage you need at an affordable price whether you need it for business stock or you need somewhere to store your furniture while you move house.

Chorley’s nearest Safestore is in Preston, just 20 minutes away in the car in addition to Bolton, a little further out.

Our team of friendly advisers are ready and waiting to discuss your requirements so whether you need household, business or student storage, give us a call today for a quote. The Safestore team is always happy to help!


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