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Safestore Self Storage in Maldon

Safestore Self Storage near Maldon

Located on the Blackwater Estuary, Maldon is an ancient town in Essex, South East England best known for the Hythe which is home to many Thames sailing barges. It is also the area in which Maldon Sea Salt is produced.

If you’re in Maldon in search of self storage units, why not consider Safestore? The closest store to Maldon is Safestore Chelmsford, a great choice for storage and only 7 miles away.

Here at Safestore we offer flexible storage solutions and a variety of room sizes ranging from small lockers to large rooms with a choice of long or short term storage, starting from as little as a week. What’s more is that if your needs change, you can easily move rooms.

Whether you’re looking for storage for your business or your household, you’re bound to find the perfect storage solution with us.

If you have any questions about the storing process, our services or offers, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The Safestore team is always happy to help. 


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