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Safestore Self Storage in Blandford

Safestore Self Storage near Blandford

Blandford Forum, more commonly known as Blandford, is a town in North Dorset dating back to the Angelo-Saxon times when it was known as ‘Blaen-y-ford’. Most of the town was burnt down in the 1731, so the town is filled with Georgian architecture after being rebuilt.

If you work or live in Blandford and are looking for extra storage space, look no further than Safestore Poole! It is the closest store to Blandford and an excellent choice for convenient storage. Safestore Bournemouth Westbourne and Bournemouth Wessex Way are too great choices, just a few more miles out.

You can rest assured knowing that your things are kept safe and sound with Safestore. We have 24 hour recorded CCTV and intruder alarms to keep your items safe. As the only key holder to your room, you have unlimited access during opening hours.

So whether you need ongoing storage space or somewhere to store your belongings for a short time, Safestore has the perfect solution for you.

Talk to the team and get a quote today.


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