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Safestore Self Storage in Brompton

Safestore Self Storage near Brompton

Located in West London, Brompton belongs to the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The area is close to Knightsbridge, home of Harrods, South Kensington, home of the Natural History Museum and Imperial College London, and Earls Court.

If you’re studying, living or working in Brompton and are in need of self storage facilities, you’ve come to the right place! Safestore has 118 stores nationwide with over 40 of them located in the heart of London, so why not choose to store with us?

Safestore Earl's Court is only about a mile away with 14 other stores including Battersea Lombard Road and Paddington, within 5 miles of Brompton.

Get in touch with our friendly team for a quote today!


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